Trusted leader serving Wayne Township

A Letter from Jeb

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about the office of trustee.

The Wayne Township Trustee has three main responsibilities:

  • Managing the funds and operation of the fire and ambulance services of the Wayne Township Fire District. Making sure that our resources are used to provide the highest degree of safety should be the priority.

  • Providing emergency assistance for residents of Wayne Township who are experiencing hardship. Wayne Township provides financial aid and works to connect people in need with help from other social services, churches, and public agencies.

  • Maintaining abandoned cemeteries in our township. In recent years, this has included honoring our fallen veterans.

I’m passionate that we are strong, and our future as residents of Wayne Township is better if we work to bring everyone together. I encourage you to join me in making Wayne Township an even better place to live. Working together, we can achieve great things for our community.

I welcome your ideas and your questions. You can email me by using the contact tab above or call me at 317-924-9025.


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